But are you ready to be truly seen? Fully?
Are you willing to be vulnerable? Not just a little, but completely, fully vulnerable?
Will you meet me there?
This 7 week programme is an embodied exploration, of the facets of the feminine, through the lens of sexuality. Click the image below to book your place.

I will stand with you. Hold you. Create a space where you feel safe to embrace your fullness.
So that next time, you can take yourself there.
To meet yourself fully.
It’s a practice.
Sometimes it’s terrifying to walk into the unknown within, especially when you’re alone.
Sometimes you feel ready to face your fears head-on.
But other times, when you’re on this healing journey solo, it’s hard to recognize your blind spots.
It’s difficult to go all the way in because your ego wants to protect you, to keep you from revisiting the parts of yourself that are wounded, that are in pain, that hold deep, unresolved rage.
The most profound dives into my own depths have happened when I was held in a safe, supportive space by someone else.
To be seen. Heard. Felt. Witnessed—while I explore the deep, inky waters of my emotions.
This, too, is a practice. And one that is so much more transformative when done in connection with others.
Because you begin to learn, in every cell of your being, that it’s safe to go there. It’s safe to be seen in your darkest, rawest moments.
You discover that you don’t lose love by expressing your truest, fullest self.
You learn to hold yourself in those moments, so you can dive deep into your emotions on your own and know that you are safe in your own body. Safe in your own expression.
You realize that you are loved, no matter the intensity of the emotions that flow through you.
That you are love. And your fullness is beautiful.