The enjoyment, expression, or pursuit of physical pleasure, particularly sexual in nature. The state of being pleasing or satisfying to the senses.
Sensuality is the pursuit of pleasure. It’s when your senses become fully activated, fully alive, and drenched in sensation.
However, to truly experience the depth of this pleasure, we need to feel safe within our bodies, deeply connected to them.
This 7 week programme is an embodied exploration, of the facets of the feminine, through the lens of sexuality. Click the image below to book your place.
Over time, many of us unknowingly disconnect from our bodies. This disconnection leads to a loss of sensation, a desensitization to pleasure, because at some point, we learned it wasn’t safe to fully experience it through our senses.
We carry shame about feeling turned on. We feel guilty for not being enough—whether it’s not feeling beautiful enough, sexy enough, slim enough, wild enough, soft enough, toned enough, or smooth enough. There’s guilt around the food we consume, suppressing our most genuine desires in order to be more pleasing, to feel accepted, to receive love, all while fearing its loss.
Every restrictive diet depriving your body of essential nourishment and nutrients. Every punishing workout filled with degrading thoughts, pushing yourself harder, abusing your body. Every suppressed emotion you didn’t allow yourself to feel or honor. Every night spent numbing your body with alcohol and substances. Every time you said yes when you really meant no. Every one-night stand where you checked out, detached from your body in the moment, because despite your body’s desire for pleasure, it didn’t feel safe to experience it.
The path back to pleasure lies in reconnecting with your body.
It’s through this reconnection that we rediscover the deepest gifts of the feminine. It starts with letting your body know that she is loved and that she is safe.
When this happens, emotions begin to resurface, the numbness fades, and sensation returns to the body.
You begin to feel the fullness of your sensuality and pleasure once more.
By rewriting the stories we’ve carried and re-establishing a safe connection with our bodies, we can transform our relationship with pleasure and our physical responses.
This is the doorway to fully feeling.