One of my favorite photos from my adventure in Ibiza with @brypenney is still one I’ve never shared. Why? Because of fear—fear of judgment, fear of what people might say, fear of whether it would be seen as appropriate. But despite all that, I love this shot.
At the time, I was battling insecurity, constantly scrutinizing my body and comparing myself to others, always feeling “less than.” I was stuck in a cycle of striving to be more attractive, more accepted, always chasing an ideal.
That’s when I decided to embark on a comparison cleanse and a judgment detox. I began calling myself out every time I made a negative judgment about myself or anyone else. I noticed how society has normalized judgment and comparison, and how easy it was for all of us to fall into that trap.
This 7 week programme is an embodied exploration, of the facets of the feminine, through the lens of sexuality. Click the image below to book your place.

Making a conscious choice to eliminate judgment from my life transformed how I saw myself and others. I felt a newfound freedom and finally learned to love myself for who I am.
The older I get, the more unapologetic I become about being authentically me, and I absolutely love it. I’ve learned that no one else’s opinion of me matters. As long as I act from a place of love and focus on being a better human rather than chasing the perfect body, I know I’m on the right path.
So today, I’m choosing vulnerability to encourage you to try a judgment detox and comparison cleanse. You might be amazed at how radically it can change your perception and help you fall in love with yourself, just as you are.