When you let your head override your heart time and time again, you start to shut yourself off from your dreams. One day, you look around and realize that the life you’re living doesn’t align with the one you once imagined for yourself. The thought of becoming the person you’ve always dreamed of can be terrifying.
You may find that you’ve been making rational decisions, following the path you think you should, rather than living in the moment and listening to your heart. But why? Why do we silence our hearts and run from what we truly want?
We often resort to coping mechanisms—overspending, drinking, staying busy, distractions, anything to numb the feelings we’re avoiding. But what are you trying to escape? Is it the discomfort of facing your own unhappiness? The job that doesn’t fulfill you, the relationship that no longer aligns, or the life that doesn’t feel like your own?
This 7 week programme is an embodied exploration, of the facets of the feminine, through the lens of sexuality. Click the image below to book your place.

What are you afraid of? Are you worried that you can’t be the person you know you’re meant to be? That you might let others down—or worse, let yourself down? The fear that you’re not enough can be paralyzing, holding you back from stepping into your true self.
But the truth is, you’ve always been enough. You are more than enough. Maybe you’ve made choices that took you off your intended path, but that’s okay. It happens to everyone.
It’s time to start making those small, deliberate choices that bring you closer to your highest self. Yes, it’s hard, and yes, it can be painful. But it’s essential to ask yourself the tough questions you’ve been avoiding:
- Why do I behave this way?
- Is this who I want to be?
- Why am I lying to myself and others?
- What toxic patterns am I repeating?
- Is my behavior rooted in past trauma or childhood wounds?
- Am I trying to protect myself, my heart, my sense of safety?
Don’t run from these questions—face them. Be brave. Even the smallest step toward your best self is progress. Take the time to understand yourself, confront your fears, and step boldly into who you are meant to be.
You have the power to create the life you’ve always dreamed of. It starts with the courage to stop running and start living authentically. Step up and step into your true self—you’ve got this.